Donna Penticuff: Education Service Chair
Prudential Indiana Realty Group
400 W McGalliard Rd
Muncie, IN 47303
Carol Bradshaw: Public Service Chair
PrimeTrust Federal Credit Union
3700 W. Bethel Ave.
Muncie, IN 47304
Carol.Bradshaw@primetrustcu.com |
Lucy Harcourt: Secretary ~ Communications Chair
IU Health-Ball Memorial Hospital2401 W. University Muncie, IN 47303765-747-8483lharcourt@iuhealth.org |
Allison Robbins: Government Relations Chair
joseph david advertising
301 S. Walnut St. Muncie, IN 47305
Tyler Ewing ~ Auction Chair
U.S. HealthWorks
3911 W. Clara Lane
Muncie, IN 47304
tewing@ushworks.com |
Rob Phillips—Membership Chair
Pengad Printing
1106 Seymour St. Muncie, IN 47302
286-3000 ext. 229
rob@pengadindy.com |
Pete Van Baalen—Diversity Chair
Pete Van Baalen has focused much of his career in marketing, advertising sales, new business development and project management. Pete has in-depth experience in radio, magazines, direct mail, newspaper, event marketing as well as a variety of digital platforms over his 25+ year career. Working with businesses of all size, Pete's strength is finding creative solutions to everyday business needs.
Indiana Media Group1133 Jackson StreetAnderson, IN 46016765-640-2309Pete.vanbaalen@indianamediagroup.com |
Non-Voting Member
Executive Director
Kristen Mattingly
P.O. Box 1641
Muncie, IN 47308
mattingly1970@comcast.net |