Anne Condran wins nomination for Betty Riehl Excellence in Service Award

Friday, May 7th, 2010 elantz Comments Off

Anne Condran

Anne Condran was recently nominated and won the Betty Riehl Excellence in Service Award. The American Advertising Federation board of directors established this award in 1997 to recognize and honor employees of AAF member clubs, federations, districts and national AAF.

The award is named in honor of the late Betty Riehl, who served on the staff of the American Advertising Federation for more than two decades, prior to her retirement in 1995.

Individuals nominated for this award are those who exhibit the qualities of devotion to duty and member service as were reflected in the career of Betty Riehl.

Anne has gone above and beyond the call of duty as our executive director over the last 9 plus years. Her dedication to the job, organizational skills, grace, good humor and caring nature in addressing and responding to member needs throughout her AAF career and the membership has been unwavering.

On behalf of the board of directors, congratulations! You are very deserving of this honor!

AAF District 6® ADDY Winners

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010 acondran Comments Off
Allison Meadows, District Six Indiana Lt. Governor and District ADDY Chair announced the American Advertising Federation District Six winners of the coveted ADDY Awards competition. The ADDY Awards are the world’s largest and arguably toughest advertising competition. The ADDY Awards represent the true spirit of creative excellence by recognizing all forms of advertising from medial of all types, creative by all sizes and entrants of all levels.

The AAF - District Six judging was held on March 19 and 20 in Southfield, MI. The 14 member advertising clubs in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan submitted 421 entries for the 2010 competition. The following AAF East Central Indiana members were recognized for their work:

  • GOLD ADDY Award - joseph david advertising - Dinosaur Billboards - Creation Museum
  • Silver ADDY Award - Zachary A. Grimes - Friend of Lou Membership Kit - Ball State University class project


Need Summer Intern?

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 acondran Comments Off

 Need an Intern for the Summer? Students majoring in advertising, graphic arts, marketing, and public relations are looking for internships. Send internship job description to Anne Condran who will distribute to the BSU AAF Chapter Students.

2010 Scholarship Winners

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 acondran Comments Off

Congratulations to the following students who won a $1,000 scholarship for the 2010-2011 academic year:

  • Elyse Van Fleet AAF ECI Anne Condran Scholarship
  • Tommy Avital AAF ECI Scholarship
  • Dwayne Henderson AAF ECI Minority Scholarship

Money raised from the 2010 Auction fund these scholarships. The scholarship recipients are invited to the April program meeting to meet our members and to be recognized for their accomplishments.

Take 5 Chosen as Non-Profit Branding Campaign Winner

Thursday, March 11th, 2010 mdifabio No Comments »

Take 5 is the organization that was chosen for 2010 to implement the advertising techniques and strategies presented and a follow-up will be conducted by the Public Service committee to see the results of their efforts.

They will be showcased on the AAF ECI web site with before and after results.

Successful ADDY Award Competition

Thursday, March 11th, 2010 mdifabio No Comments »

Christy Jones - ADDY Chair

On February 27, we had a very successful ADDY awards ceremony. It was a great celebration of all of the wonderful talent we have throughout East Central Indiana.

Welcome to the American Advertising Federation East Central Indiana Blog

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010 admin No Comments »

Stay tuned for blog posts on the latest in advertising from East Central Indiana and around the country.