American Advertising Federation
East Central Indiana
C O N N E C T • C R E A T E • I N S P I R E
The premier resource for advertising, marketing, and communications professionals in East Central Indiana. We offer our members nationally noted speakers, networking opportunities, social events, and the ADDY Awards competition. Our membership includes: public relations specialists, media experts, marketing professionals, creative professionals, suppliers, and clients. Our mission is to CONNECT members to other advertising industry professionals and resources; Encourage, support, and recognize members in their quest to CREATE the very best in advertising; and INSPIRE young professionals to enter the advertising profession.

Network with local advertising professionals. Learn about the latest trends in technology, advertising, and marketing.

Check out the winners of the 2016 American Advertising Awards.
Professional Development
Come hear Brent Allred from Avec Audio discuss how new technology in music and audio production have changed the industry and how it can enhance advertising on March 11. 2016 from 11:30 - 1 in the Ivy Tech Auditorium.