Member Benefits
The American Advertising Federation East Central Indiana, Inc. is a not-for-profit professional advertising association and local affiliate of the American Advertising Federation.
Membership in AAFECI is a great way to nurture your professional growth. Whether you’re a novice just starting out or a well established veteran, you’ll benefit from becoming a member. You’ll connect with the advertising, marketing, and communication community through educational luncheons, informal get-togethers and special events. You’ll keep abreast of the latest trends in advertising.
We attract members from a variety of disciplines including: designers, sales reps, broadcasters, marketers, photographers, public relations professionals, web developers, printers, business owners, educators, and students – All are welcome in American Advertising Federation East Central Indiana.
Benefits Include:
- Local networking opportunities with advertising professionals.
- Educational opportunities on the latest trends in technology, creativity, advertising, and marketing.
- Reduced fees for participation in monthly programs, club functions, and ADDY® awards.
- Professional Development Program Meetings: Members $15 – Non-Members $20
- ADDY Entry Fees: Members $95 Single- Campaign $125 – Non-Members $200
- Updates on legislative and regulatory issues and proposals affecting advertising.
- Automatic membership to the American Advertising Federation.
- AAF member discounts including: AdWEEK and Advertising Age magazines, Airborne Express, Alamo Rent a Car, Mutual of Omaha Insurance, PROBOP Insurance, and PROINSURE professional and liability insurance. More information about Member discounts.
- AAF SmartBrief daily e-briefing created for advertisers, agencies and media companies-news from hundreds of top industry sources-it’s what decision makers need to know-it’s FREE to AAF members